luni, 10 mai 2010

Lord Longford snorted balderdash

Back in 1971, Dr Martin Cole caused quite a stir with his sex education film “Growing Up

The scenes that made the front pages involved a 15-year old boy, naked except for a vest, lying on a bed wanking with an blank expression on his face; a young naked woman lying on her side, also masturbating; and a naked couple having rather slow and ritualistic intercourse on a clinically bare set.

The education minister, Margaret Thatcher, denounced the film but said she had no powers to stop it being shown in schools.

Lord Longford snorted ‘Balderdash!’ and stormed out. He was in the middle of researching his anti-pornography bill, which involved watching an ‘exhaustive catalogue of sex films’, visiting a sex supermarket, and going to a strip club, which he found ‘neither pleasant nor unpleasant’.

Lord Longford

The leader of Birmingham Council saw the film and said he felt ‘debased’ by a ‘pseudo-technical display of sexual depravity … This man [Cole] must be totally obsessed with sex.’

To be fair, that might well have been true. The man who the Sun rapidly dubbed ‘Sex King Cole’ responded: ‘These people are clearly tormented by their own neuroses.’

not to be confused with Nat King Cole

The real storm broke when it turned out that the woman wanking in the film was a schoolteacher, 23-year old Jennifer Muscutt, who taught liberal studies to 15-year old boys. Her husband, also a teacher, defended her involvement and said if they had children they’d have no problem showing it to them.

By now, screenings of the film were playing to huge audiences. It was shown by everyone from the Defence of Literature and Arts Society to a Birmingham strip club, which advertised it alongside artistes Saucy Susan, Delightful Delilah and Tantalising Teresa.

Saucy Susan

Just when it looked like it was finally going away – eight months later – questions were raised in the House of Commons about Cole’s use of female volunteers as sex therapists. A young woman had written to him, impressed by his claims in the papers about his treatment for impotent men, and asked to find out more – Cole quickly set her up having sex with his clients in her flat at £1.50 a pop until her policeman boyfriend banged on the door in the middle of a session.


luni, 5 aprilie 2010

industrial standard sex

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vineri, 19 martie 2010

poxy competition

back in 1497 they had funny ideas about how to treat syphilis. one of the first signs that a person had caught this disease was the appearance of an ulcer on the genitals. Bishop Gaspare Torrella recommended that these pustules “be sucked by some person of low condition”. after the poison was drawn, the penis was washed and wrapped around with a live flayed chicken, pigeon or frog.

foul tasting and dangerous panaceas containing mercury were also popular. it came in many forms, often as an ointment and anti venereal underpants, coated with mercury, became available in 17th century Italy. condoms were in vogue, not to prevent pregnancy but to escape a dose of the pox. here’s a recipe from 1824 for a sheep gut condom

Soak a sheep’s intestine caeca in water for a number of hours, then turn inside out, and macerate them again in weak alkaline, changed every 12 hours. Scrape them carefully to remove the mucous membrane, leaving the peritoneal and muscular coats, and expose them to the vapour of burning brimstone. Then wash them in soap and water, inflate them, dry them and cut to a length of seven to eight inches. Finally, border the open end with a ribbon to tie round the base of the penis, and before use soak the condom in water to make it supple.

how to cure your brain fag

SILVIU PRICOP has been investigating orificial surgery i.e. surgery to enlarge the anus – which was popular in the 19th century. It was believed that pressure from within the rectum interfered with the devlopment of adolescents.

“No matter what a person was suffering from, if he or she went to an orificial physician , the diagnosis was always the same: tight sphincters requiring dilation.

the distinctly kinky obsession with the rectum (loosening those tight anal sphincters) does not seem all that way out when it is remembered that Abraham Wolbarst was the proud inventor of a kind of electric dildo, to be inserted into the anus with a view to massaging the prostate.”

so let’s have a look at these one of these nasal/vaginal/ penile/ anal probes, the Master Violet Ray

“All Orificial electrodes must be lubricated before insertion. For the sake of safety there should be two people in Orificial work, the patient and the operator. The current should be turned on after inserting the electrode into the orifice and turned off before removing the electrode. Orificial treatments are never painful. The electrode should be moved slightly to avoid sticking to mucous membrane.”

If you scroll down to near the bottom of the linked page you can see the many ailments a Master Violet Ray could cure such as brain fag, constipation, dandruff, freckles, anal fissures, gleets, grey hair, impotence, orchitis, parotitis and writer’s cramp.

Testicle cookbook found here

miercuri, 17 martie 2010

electrify me

Scribonius Largus (AD 43), a physician and pharmacologist, wrote Compositiones, a collection of drug compounds and remedies.

Two hundred and seventy-one compounds are described, antidotes against poisons, bites, and stings; plasters, dressings, and salves; as well as references to aconite and to an early form of electroanalgesia, in which the shock of the torpedo ray was used to manage both headache and gout

Charles Bew, surgeon-dentist to George IV of England, felt that tic douloureux (an extremely painful condition) was chiefly caused by dental problems. He recommended removal or modification of the defective tooth, or correction of the articulation of the jaw. He used supportive electrotherapy to help manage the pain, with powerful electric shocks from an electrostatic generator and Leyden Jar capacitor.

Duchenne du Boulogne took medical electricity into the realm of physiology and anatomy in the late 17th century. he also designed some of the first prosthetics.

Dr Jerome Kidder treated many different diseases with his machines. While experimenting with ways to treat cataracts, Kidder seems to have discovered a phenomenon—an artifact, one might say, of his apparatus—that seemed highly significant to him. When applied to the eye, his machine could make visible energies that are normally invisible. This could be accomplished through regulating the character of an electric current so that it registered on the optic nerve as a visible pattern, thereby exciting the vision in a way similar to that of light. Thus one could see, as images, electrical currents in their varied characteristics.

sâmbătă, 13 martie 2010

grin and bear it

Teeth Shoes found here

When was the last time you applied the principles of dynamic resistance to your facial muscles?

Independent studies show that using Facial Flex for two minutes twice daily for 60 days can noticeably improve skin circulation and muscle tone.

The lightweight, crescent-shaped facial exercise device is placed in the corners of the mouth, where it maintains a constant outward resistance. To use Facial-Flex, compress and release repetitively against the resistance of the dental elastic. This easy-to learn procedure will yield results in no time!

Hitler’s teeth found here

If you’re more concerned with lazy teeth not getting enough exercise you could try Charles Purdy’s device.

As a new article of manufacture, a device for exercising the teeth, comprising a plate shaped to conform to the contour of the mouth and having on each side comparatively deep depressions to receive the teeth, said depressions corresponding in number to the teeth of the user so that each tooth will be seated in a depression, the plate being provided with a member projecting from its front portion whereby when traction is exerted upon said member, each individual tooth will be exercised.

Perhaps it’s too late and your teeth have already fallen out. Don’t throw them away, make them into jewellery instead

Because if all else fails, Dr. McCollum can always measure you up for a new set of choppers in no time at all

joi, 11 martie 2010

the little people who live in your head

Thomas Edison was a deep thinker who pondered on many different things

image found here

What I believe is that our bodies are made up of myriads of units of life. Our body is not itself the unit of life or a unit of life. We have myriads of cells, and it is the inhabitants in these cells, inhabitants which themselves are beyond the limits of the microscope, which vitalize and “run” our body.

more Horror Under the Microscope images found here

We do not remember; a certain group of our little people do this for us. They live in that part of the brain which has become known as the “fold of Broca.” Broca discovered and proved that everything we call memory goes on in a little strip not much more than a quarter of an inch long. That is where the little people live who keep our records for us.

more Tiny Plastic People found here

Some of the little peoples who enable us to remember things do nothing else during our entire lives but watch moving picture shows. The optic nerves bring the pictures through the small holes in the front of our skulls into our brains where the little peoples whose function it is to remember can see them. We do not remember everything we see because everything is not worth remembering. Little Peoples, like big peoples, are of various degrees of intelligence.

There may be twelve or fifteen shifts that change about and are on duty at different times like men in a factory. I infer this from the fact that we sometimes have to send for the particular ones that have the records we want.

We have forgotten a man’s name, for instance. We ask the shift of little peoples who happen to be on duty, “What is that man’s name?” They were not on duty when the name was given to them to remember and they don’t know. After a while, suggestion or something else summons the shift that has the name and they give it. I therefore take it that the possession of what is called a good memory really means the possession of the ability to summon the particular groups of little peoples who have the records we want.

Little People corkscrew collection found here

duminică, 28 februarie 2010

Kellie realises Arnold is a breast man

Kellie Everts has had a busy life. She started out as a bodybuilder, graduated to stripper, then took to preaching and running her own church. And back in 1972, she had a fling with Arnie

“It was Kellie Everts first body building contest, and she was excited. She was also interested in meeting Arnold Schwarzenneger and Franco Columbu, the biggest stars of this special world. Both of the men, it panned out later, became besotted with Kellie.

(Franco Columbu, Kellie Everts & Arnold Schwarzeneggar when the three met in 1972. This was the beginning of a lot of heat and then a lot of wrath on Arnold’s part. After seeing this picture and a picture of Arnold with Racquel Welch in the same scenario, Kellie realized Arnold is a breast man)

For the moment, her mind was on Franco, but that would soon change. Arnold approached, and both standing there they had a chat. He GLARED at a photographer NOT to take a picture of them. Words passed that we shall not enter here and the next thing you know, Arnold was leading Kellie backstage to a darker and darker area.

image found here

Kellie felt like she was taken over by a magnetic force; like something that came from the sky with magnetic rays and sucked you up into a UFO. SHE COULDN’T RESIST ARNOLD EVEN IF SHE WANTED TO, AND THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW, THEY WERE MAKING LOVE.

But they got caught with their pants down, so to speak.

“Kellie, I thought you were MY girlfriend!” said an anguished Franco

Arnold turned beet red as Kellie, completely befuddled, blurted out,

“OK….I can be the girlfriend of BOTH of you!”

Arnold, in a loud voice, protested, “NO,” and Kellie from that moment, began to feel THE WRATH OF ARNOLD.

If you’d like to know more about Kellie’s bodybuilding triumphs (there were many) her popular stripping performances, or her life as the Guru Rasa of the church of MotherGod, read on here. You might also enjoy these testimonials

I met Kellie Everts in 1974 when she had her preaching television show. I went to her house several times for prayer meetings, was highly inspired and saw visions while she was praying. I have always been gay, and have never had any sexual interest in the opposite sex. One night, as I was sleeping alone in my room, Kellie Everts appeared and made love to me. It was the most glorious experience I had ever had. I said, “If this is what it feels like to make love to a woman, I will make love with women from now on.” And from then on, I became attracted to the opposite sex.

Jack, New York City 1979

I put a photograph you sent me on my bedroom dresser. It is the one with Christ in the picture. I’ve been praying to that Christ daily. Well, last night, in the middle of the night I woke up and it was dark in the room and I was attracted to the photo on the dresser and to my astonishment your breasts were aglow with a bright light. I kid you not. It was amazing.

Tom Bird, New York City 1978

vineri, 12 februarie 2010

toys of terror

We’ve talked about anti-masturbation devices before at the gimcrack.

Frank Orth came up with this device, as bulky as a major kitchen appliance, which spoke directly to prevalent belief that as the body heated up under covers it became more sexually responsive.

The motor drove a fan that forced cooling air down a tube into rubber drawers fitted with circulation bladders.”

Orth also held a patent on a water-based cooling system. “Each of these thermal harness systems was installed permanently in the bedroom, like a piece of furniture. At night, the user would fit his body into the device and then, along with the trailing straps, wires and flexible pipes, slide under the covers.”

Mr. Joseph Lee engineered this beauty, a harness you wore to bed that sensed an erection, which activated an electrical circuit that could be hooked up to your choice of a phonograph, gramophone or graphophone and thus awaken the endangered sleeper with music or an inspirational talk.

Harnessing your family jewels to a gramophone might sound like a strange idea but at least it wouldn’t be as painful as some of the anti-rape devices mentioned in this article. Ever mindful of my readers delicate sensibilities, I will only include a quote about the least terrifying.

The tamest, created by Joel D Rumph and Lynda K Warren, would inject the penis with a fast-working sedative. What you then do with the comatose attacker lying on top of you, the patent does not say. Indeed, all the designs display very basic problems, explaining why none seems to have been produced.

James H Bowen of Philadelphia came up with this bright idea in 1889

In the aesthetic design of his device, he appears to have drawn inspiration from the restraining mechanisms of horse bridles. A little metal hat was placed over the head of the penis, with small chains on either side dropping down to the end of spring-loaded clips. The clips were then securely clasped to tufts of pubic hair at the base of the penis.

When a nocturnal erection began, and the penis enlarged beyond the length of the chains, the pubic hair was pulled, causing the kind of pain guaranteed to wake the naughty dreaming sleeper who was, according to Bowen, “thereby enabled to prevent or check the discharge.”

marți, 9 februarie 2010


Sylvanus Stall was a Lutheran pastor who produced one of the first ever talking books, sold as a set of 24 wax cylinders. It was a diatribe aimed at keeping young boys from succumbing to the evils of masturbation.

This was not the only sex advice he dispensed. He also wrote a book titled “What a Man of Forty Five Ought to Know”

“Many young men are deceived because old men who have led impure lives continue to vaunt their corruption of thought and speech, even after they have lost all sexual power and the uninformed suppose that these senile old men still actualise the evil of which they so boastingly speak. The listener does not know that the mind continues to grow increasingly corrupt even after sexual power has wholly departed.

photograph by Diane Arbus

Among the early indications of waning sexuality are the streaks of grey that appear in hair or beard. It might be unsafe to impute the full significance of this to young persons who are members of families where premature greyness is common.

The teeth are likely to give indications of more rapid decay. Instead of being able to expel at a strong stream, urine is now devoid of its force. The sensibility of the testes becomes blunted, the scrotum wrinkles, the testicles atrophy. The zoosperms are small and languid.

At around forty five years of age when the vital forces should be in every way economised , sexual indulgences should be discontinued.