marți, 9 februarie 2010


Sylvanus Stall was a Lutheran pastor who produced one of the first ever talking books, sold as a set of 24 wax cylinders. It was a diatribe aimed at keeping young boys from succumbing to the evils of masturbation.

This was not the only sex advice he dispensed. He also wrote a book titled “What a Man of Forty Five Ought to Know”

“Many young men are deceived because old men who have led impure lives continue to vaunt their corruption of thought and speech, even after they have lost all sexual power and the uninformed suppose that these senile old men still actualise the evil of which they so boastingly speak. The listener does not know that the mind continues to grow increasingly corrupt even after sexual power has wholly departed.

photograph by Diane Arbus

Among the early indications of waning sexuality are the streaks of grey that appear in hair or beard. It might be unsafe to impute the full significance of this to young persons who are members of families where premature greyness is common.

The teeth are likely to give indications of more rapid decay. Instead of being able to expel at a strong stream, urine is now devoid of its force. The sensibility of the testes becomes blunted, the scrotum wrinkles, the testicles atrophy. The zoosperms are small and languid.

At around forty five years of age when the vital forces should be in every way economised , sexual indulgences should be discontinued.

2 comentarii:

  1. Initially, I was going to say that new technologies should not be used to suppress natural sexual urges. The first talking books were used for evil. Then I realized that VHS and the internet came to the masses via the porn industry, so science occasionally gets it right.

  2. Wow, it’s like old Sylvannus was writing my life story. Well, about my senility and bragging about my evil, not that other stuff, regardless of what you might have heard elsewhere.
